For many, the wedding day is the happiest day of their lives. But what happens after you say “I do?” Unfortunately, more often than not, divorce happens. In fact, current national statistics show that divorce happens 42% of the time. And for individuals who enter second marriages, the chances are even greater, adding up to almost 60%.
But why do people feel the need to call their divorce attorneys and call it splits? Here are some of the most common reasons that married couples decide to call it quits and draw up the divorce papers:
Financial Discord
Some say that capitalism is evil. And when it comes to marriage, that might just be truer than not. In a recent study, it was revealed that couples who disagree about their finances, at least one time a week are 30% more likely to go through with the divorce process when compared with couples who only argue about it a few times per month. Indeed, money is a particularly common yet complicated reason to call up the divorce lawyers. It isn’t about just the tangible worth of money; rather, it is tied up in culture — traditionally held beliefs of masculinity and power, self-worth and value, and so much more. And when children are involved, finances become even more complicated.
Lack of Intimacy
In a recent study, 25% of participants in mediation groups attributed their upcoming divorce to infidelity. And while affairs might be the reason they state, there is often more pressing issues lurking below the surface of such a statement. For in the same exact mediation group, 80% of individuals attributed their split to a lack of intimacy. When closeness between partners dissipate, they are more likely to seek emotional and physical comfort elsewhere.
A Lack of Communication
As years go by, people grow and change. And if a marriage does not change as people change, it can often feel like you’re sleeping in bed with a total stranger. Ultimately, this leads to fallout, separation, and ultimately, divorce.
Are you going through a divorce? What are you experiences with your divorce attorney and ex-partner? We want to hear from you. Let us knw your thoughts in the comments below.