Wrongful death law attorneys specialize in cases where a person has passed away due to the negligence of another party. The video above gives a rundown of things you should know about before starting a wrongful death suit.
The first thing you need to do if you believe a loved one has passed away due to another party’s negligence is to obtain the medical records from the medical center they were being cared for. Hospitals have an obligation to turn over medical records to relatives of any patient.
An autopsy does not need to be performed for wrongful death cases. Most autopsies occur within the first few days of death or not at all. A lawyer can use expert witnesses and medical records to prove the wrongful death.
If the person who dies is married and has children, they can be the beneficiaries of a wrongful death suit. If the person isn’t married and doesn’t have children, the parents and brothers and sisters have a claim.
The heirs do not necessarily divide the money evenly. Usually, they will agree on who gets what before the wrongful death litigation is pursued. For more information, check out the video in the link above.