If you are denied compensation from a worker’s compensation claim, you need to hire a workers compensation lawyer to help. It’s important to do some homework before you make your choice on who will represent you. This video explains three important things to do before hiring an attorney.
The first thing to do is to find an attorney who specializes in worker’s compensation claims. Just like you wouldn’t see a cardiologist for a sore knee, you need a specific lawyer who has experience in handling worker’s compensation. It’s better to get an attorney with a lot of experience and a good track record, too.
The next thing you should do is internet research on your prospective attorney. Compare online reviews and see how the law firm handled negative reviews. You can also find the attorney’s track record and recent cases. They will have pages outlining their specialties, too.
The final thing to do is to have a sit-down meeting with your attorney. Many offer free consultations and it will give you a good gut feeling about the man or woman who will be representing you. For more information, check out the video in the link above.