If you were recently pulled over for drunk driving, you may feel overwhelmed. Your first step toward surviving the DUI process is to contact a lawyer. Guidelines for DUI sentencing vary by state, so an experienced attorney can help educate and prepare you for your upcoming court appearance. Having an advocate to support you will be invaluable during this challenging time. You may not know that police officers must have “probable cause” to pull you over. According to WikiHow, to charge you with DUI, the officer must first have a “suspicion of driving under the influence” of a driver before a DUI pullover. For example, they might have seen you drifting or swerving between road lanes or narrowly escaping a crash with parked cars. Once an officer pulls you over, you have the right to record the transaction. A police officer must prove that a driver is intoxicated to issue a DUI citation. If the officer gives you a sobriety test, your blood alcohol must be above 0.08 in order to charge you with DWI. Depending on the circumstances, they may add charges to the citation – such as property damage or bodily injury.

There’s a reason why you often hear the phrase “don’t drink and drive.” People get hurt and some have lost their lives. Also, it’s punishable by law. If a police officer stops you for a suspected DUI and finds out you’ve been drinking too much, you’ll need the best DUI attorney to get out of trouble. Being arrested for driving under the influence is a serious matter.

Some people spend 48 hours in jail for DUI, and even that tiny stint plus your court appearance could impact your life. It’s much better to be responsible and call a taxi or have a designated driver to get you home. However, even drunk driving videos for education are not enough to make people understand the terrible consequences of being reckless. You could face a murder charge depending on what happens.

The effects of alcohol are often downplayed, but everyone has different tolerance levels. You never know if one beer could affect your motor skills, vision, and response time. Even a driver not legally drunk is responsible for their alcohol level. If it’s over the limit, they could get charged, and only the best DUI lawyer will help. Let’s find out more about needing an attorney after a DUI arrest.

Finding a good attorney

If you have been pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI), it can be very scary. You are not the only one. This is a very common occurrence. In Ohio, the offense is called operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI) but it is essentially the same thing as a DUI anywhere else. There are more than one million people in Ohio who have at least one OVI and almost 45,000 have had over five convictions for this offense. If you have been charged with this you need the best DUI attorney.

Who is the best DUI attorney for me and my case?

That is the pivotal question. You need to find a good lawyer. You need criminal defense attorney who will best represent you and your case. Here are some tips for finding that person.

  1. Take advantage of the free consultation. Most  law firms offer free consultations. This is a normal part of how they do and get new business so take advantage. Go to a few law firms and ask as many questions as you think of. This is a very serious situation — a first offense can result in six points being added to your license and will stay on your criminal record for at least 75 years.
  2. Ask about their specific experience dealing with DUI laws in your state. Ask prospective criminal defense firms what their experience is with DUIs. You do not want a family law lawyer to deal with your criminal case. Many of these cases are plead out so you want someone who has a lot of experience doing that. They may be able to get the charges reduced and that may change what the penalties are. You do not want a lawyer who deals mostly with divorces to handle your DUI.
  3. How much will it cost? These charges are expensive. Depending on what your charges end up being, there will be court costs, fines, fees for interlock devices and then there’s getting your license back. Most states suspend your license immediately when you are arrested, getting it back will cost you. That’s all before the DUI attorney costs. What are the fees for the best DUI attorney? If you take this to trial, you will have the chance to examine and refute all the evidence against you and produce some that proves your version of what happened.
  4. Trust your gut. You need to be able to really open up to your lawyer. Do you trust them? Do they answer your questions? Do you think you can confide in them? You are going to have to be really honest with your lawyer and if you do not think you can confide in one person, find someone else. This is too important a situation to go with someone with whom you are not 100% comfortable.

Being arrested for anything is scary. If you are taken to jail, that is a very stressful situation. The laws that deal with driving under the influence, this can also mean driving under the influence of a prescription medication so be careful. alcohol is not the only substance that can get you arrested. Having the best DUI attorney by your side will make a word of difference.

If You’ve been Arrested for a DUI, You Need a Lawyer

You may feel overwhelmed

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