Few years ago I was in London and my friends and I happened to discuss the secrets of writing a blog post forcing people to comment. My friends were not agreeing with my point of view and they were holding the opinion that unless you do not write on any hot topic, you would not receive more than 2 comments.
To address their point of view, I have laid down the following tips for writing an appealing blog post forcing readers to engage in conversation with the blogger.
Forget about any other kind of writing you do:
Blogging is not a letter writing or journalism rather it is a kind of speech writing. Exactly, you directly speak with your reader through your blog posts and during the course of blog writing, try to forget other kinds of writings.
Read your finished posts aloud:
Once you complete your posts, try to read them loudly. This will help you to bring some changes as you are going to directly speak with the readers.
When you rework your post, make clarity of purpose your only concern:
Try to be more priced, composed and free from punctuation errors. Hence, before focusing on writing your blog post correctly, you must focus on your concern and clarity of purpose.
Be personable:
A blog post is personal post hence avoid using boring content. Try to be personable and friendly with your reader.
You are not reporting the news:
It is supposed to be biggest issue with law blogs. You are not reporting news of court. It would be better if you focus on new issues rather than bringing the same issues that had already been published on famous news websites or blogs. Try to use punching words for grabbing the attention of readers.
If you are funny, use it. If you are not, please don’t:
If you are funny and intending to write sarcastic posts then must mention in the tagline that it is a satire post. Though, I reckon it dangerous yet most of the people use it for different reasons.
Be provocative:
Try to be proactive and come up with some bold and punching statements. It must be in your mind that you are not going to take a stance that might hurt sentiments of any reader. Hence, the more you are manipulative, the more things work for you.
Don’t forget to use the title:
In journalistic terms, it is called the lead. Unless your topic is not exciting or inciting, it is not going to work for you. Try to think many a times over the words you wish to include in the title. It must not be forgotten that it would be the first step of gardening the attention of readers and employ due care.
Choose topics that bother you:
Those topics that bother you a lot will give your post an emotional touch. This is what needed for appealing blog posts.
Publish immediately:
When you feel that your notions have been rightly penned down, don’t take much time to get them published. If you think that you would delay it and there may be more thoughts in your mind then you are living in the fool’s paradise.
Don’t write too much:
While writing a blog post, it must be in your mind that you are not going to finish you blog rather starting a blog which may increase repeated posts on similar stuff. In simple words, write a conversation not a post finishes with your own ideas.
Leave the audience with a rhetorical question, a bold statement, or a thoughtful turn of phrase:
Try to complete your post with some questions, quotations, phrases or appealing tagline. It would force your readers to pass comment on it and this is what needed for right blog posts.
It has been years to follow the above mentioned methodologies while writing and blog post and I am proud to state that once you adopt the above cited tips, you are going to rule the blogging world.